Light of speed and Quantum Mechanics

The speed of light is greater than 299,792 kilometers per second, probably far greater than this number.

What is the speed of light?We don’t know

The speed of light we observe is the speed of electromagnetic waves

The reason we observe the speed of light as this speed, is because our observation methods are based on electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic forces.

Because the electromagnetic wave method can only observe the speed of the electromagnetic  wave at most, any speed higher than the speed of the electromagnetic  wave is treated as the speed of the electromagnetic wave. Therefore, in the Michelson-Morley experiment, the "speed of light" is the same at 299,792 kilometers per second regardless of the direction of the test.

The speed of light in Maxwell's equation is also the highest speed of electromagnetic waves. However, because it is very close to the "measured speed of light", this speed is called the speed of light.

Light waves have the characteristics of electromagnetic waves, but there are also places that are different from electromagnetic waves, so it cannot be said that light is electromagnetic waves, otherwise the speed of electromagnetic waves is the speed of light.

Anyway, the speed of light is "artificially" set to  the speed of electromagnetic waves.

This "artificial" setting made us uncomfortable about "quantum mechanics". why? Because if the speed of light exceeds the speed of electromagnetic waves, the phenomenon of quantum mechanics is normal.

This is discussed in Andrzej Dragan's article in the New Physics Magazine in March 2020. He seems to just say that if there is a speed higher than the speed of light, quantum phenomena can be seen. What I'm talking about here is that the speed of light is really faster than "the speed of light" we know,  because the speed that light exceeds is the speed of electromagnetic waves.

I want to confirm this point with that article: faster than speed of light does not affect the basic idea of ​​special relativity. The special theory of relativity is correct, but there is no need to assume that the speed of light is this "artificial" speed of light. The special theory of relativity requires an assumption: "There can be a speed in space-time that satisfies the principle of relativity that does not change with the change of the reference system." (I have reservation about thism but it is not a big deal. The speed of light is so large, no matter what it is, it will not affect the conclusion of the special theory of relativity.)

Will such "super speed of light" affect quantum field theory? will not. The Dirac equation only uses Lorentz covariance, and does not need the true speed of light. At most, the artificial "speed of light", that is, the speed of electromagnetic waves.

But this "artificial speed of light" leads us to think that the phenomenon of quantum mechanics is difficult to understand.

The phenomenon of quantum mechanics is real

The "speed of light" as we know it is untrue.

Let us do a thought experiment: suppose I am a bystander outside this world, suppose my "observation" has no effect on this world, and I can "see" everything in this world "truely". That is, I can see the various speeds, including the speed of light, then the phenomenon of quantum mechanics is very natural. I can further guess that there is no incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity.

Assuming that there is another kind of human being in our universe, their instrument is based on another speed (assuming that this speed is faster than the speed of light we know, that is, the speed of electromagnetic waves), in that case the light speed they see is another one, not the same as what we see. Nevertheless, if their speed of light is a finite multiple of C, there will be confusion similar to what we see in quantum mechanical phenomena.

Finally, speed is  determined by time and distance, so the speed is related to the relationship between time and space. Therefore, when the speed exceeds the "electromagnetic speed", time and space seem to change positions. It can also be said that the coordinate axis rotates by 90 degrees, so the imaginary number i is introduced. So, instead of saying that quantum mechanics is for the micro world while the theory of relativity is for the macro world, it is better to say that quantum mechanics is for the world of faster than electromagnetic wave speed, and the theory of relativity is for  the world of slower than electromagnetic wave speed.

Seeing this, you may not believe it. However, a theory is either overthrown or shocking.

(Hope you feel offended when reading this one, then feel happy.)




